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Building the Best Custom Umbraco Packages: A 101 Beginner’s Guide

umbraco package

September 1, 2024 - Technology

Umbraco packages can be a useful, versatile tool for anyone looking to upgrade their platform. Umbraco, a popular open-source content management system (CMS) built on .NET, is known for its flexibility, scalability, and user-friendly interface. Umbraco boasts a large and active community that contributes to its continuous development and improvement. One of the key strengths of Umbraco is its extensibility, allowing developers to build custom packages to enhance the functionality of the platform. Developers can utilize the Umbraco API to interact with the system and create seamless integrations with third-party applications. Custom Umbraco packages can range from simple tools and utilities to complex integrations and custom content types, making them a powerful way to tailor Umbraco to specific needs.


In this comprehensive beginner’s guide, we will walk you through the essentials of building custom Umbraco packages. By the end of this guide, you will have a solid understanding of package structure, configuration, and deployment in Umbraco. Whether you’re new to Umbraco or have some experience and want to dive deeper, this guide will provide you with the foundational knowledge and steps needed to create effective custom Umbraco packages.

Umbraco packages offer numerous benefits for website owners and developers. By leveraging pre-built components, you can significantly streamline the development process and enhance the functionality of your Umbraco website. Packages provide a wide range of features, from content editing tools and form builders to e-commerce solutions and integrations with other systems. This saves you time and resources that would otherwise be spent on custom development. Additionally, packages are often well-tested and supported by their developers, ensuring reliability and quality. By using Umbraco packages, you can create more powerful and engaging websites while reducing development costs and time-to-market.

One of the biggest advantages of using Umbraco packages is their ease of use. Many packages are designed with a user-friendly interface, making it easy for even non-technical users to install and configure them. This saves you time and money that would otherwise be spent on custom development. Additionally, packages are regularly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest Umbraco versions and to address security vulnerabilities, providing you with peace of mind.

Another benefit of using Umbraco packages is their cost-effectiveness. Compared to hiring a developer to create custom features from scratch, packages offer a more affordable solution. There are numerous free packages available that can meet your basic needs, and premium packages often come with reasonable pricing options. This allows you to invest your resources more wisely and focus on other aspects of your business.

In conclusion, Umbraco packages are an indispensable asset for any website owner. They offer a vast array of functionalities, are easy to use, and are cost-effective. By utilizing packages, you can create a more engaging, informative, and functional website that meets the needs of your audience and helps you achieve your online goals.

Get ready to unleash the full potential of Umbraco by mastering the art of building custom packages!

Here are the best tips for building umbraco packages

1. Understanding Umbraco Packages

What is an Umbraco Package?

An Umbraco package is a bundle of code, configurations, and resources that extends the functionality of an Umbraco installation. Packages can include various components such as:

  • Custom Document Types: New content types for structuring and managing content.
  • Data Types: Custom fields and controls for inputting and managing data.
  • Macros: Reusable pieces of code or templates for inserting dynamic content.
  • Extensions and Integrations: Custom functionality or integrations with other systems.

Umbraco packages are designed to be easily installed and uninstalled, making it simple to add or remove functionality from an Umbraco site.

Why Build Custom Umbraco Packages?

Building custom Umbraco packages allows you to:

  • Tailor Functionality: Create functionality that meets specific needs or integrates with other systems.
  • Reusability: Develop reusable components that can be shared across multiple Umbraco installations or projects.
  • Streamline Development: Package and deploy custom solutions more efficiently, reducing repetitive work.
  • Share with the Community: Contribute to the Umbraco community by sharing useful tools and extensions.

2. Setting Up Your Development Environment


Before you start building custom Umbraco packages, ensure you have the following:

  • Umbraco Installation: Set up an Umbraco instance on your local development environment. You can download it from the Umbraco website or use a pre-configured template from Umbraco Cloud.
  • IDE: An integrated development environment (IDE) such as Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code for writing and managing code.
  • Basic Knowledge: Familiarity with C#, ASP.NET, and general web development concepts.

Installing Umbraco

  1. Download Umbraco: Get the latest version of Umbraco from the official website or use NuGet to install it into your project.
  2. Set Up the Project: Create a new ASP.NET project in Visual Studio and install Umbraco using NuGet Package Manager:


    Install-Package UmbracoCms
  3. Run the Installer: Follow the installation wizard to configure your database and set up your initial Umbraco site.

3. Creating Your First Custom Package

Package Structure

A typical Umbraco package consists of the following components:

  • Manifest: An XML file that defines the package structure and contents. This file is crucial for installing and managing the package.
  • Code: C# classes and controllers that define the package’s functionality.
  • Configuration: Configuration files and settings specific to your package.
  • Resources: Any additional files such as views, stylesheets, or scripts.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Define Your Package

Before you start coding, plan out the functionality and components of your package. Decide on the following:

  • Purpose: What problem does your package solve or what functionality does it add?
  • Components: What will be included in the package (e.g., document types, data types, macros)?
  • Dependencies: Are there any external libraries or packages your package depends on?

Step 2: Develop Your Components

Create the necessary components for your package. This may include:

  • Document Types: Define new content types with custom fields and templates.
  • Data Types: Build custom fields or editors for use in the back office.
  • Macros: Write reusable pieces of code for dynamic content.
Example: Creating a Custom Document Type
  1. Define Document Type: Create a new document type in the Umbraco back office.
  2. Add Properties: Define the properties and data types required for this document type.
  3. Create Templates: Develop the templates that will be used to render content based on this document type.

Step 3: Package Your Components

Use Umbraco’s built-in tools or third-party tools to create a package manifest and bundle your components.

  1. Create a Manifest File: Define the structure and contents of your package in an XML file. This file will describe the package’s components and how they should be installed.


    <name>Your Package Name</name>
    <documentType alias="yourDocumentTypeAlias" />
    <dataType alias="yourDataTypeAlias" />
    <macro alias="yourMacroAlias" />
  2. Bundle Your Files: Include all the necessary files (code, configuration, resources) in a zip file or package format.

  3. Test the Package: Install the package in a test Umbraco environment to ensure it functions as expected.

Step 4: Distribute Your Package

Once your package is ready, you can share it with others:

  • Upload to Umbraco Package Repository: Submit your package to the Umbraco package repository for wider distribution.
  • Share Locally: Distribute the package directly to users or teams via email or file sharing.

4. Best Practices for Building Custom Packages

Follow Umbraco Standards

Adhering to Umbraco’s coding and development standards ensures that your package integrates smoothly with the platform and is easy to maintain. Familiarize yourself with the Umbraco documentation for coding guidelines and best practices.

Ensure Compatibility

Test your package thoroughly across different Umbraco versions and configurations to ensure compatibility. Be aware of breaking changes in Umbraco updates and plan for future-proofing your package.

Document Your Package

Provide clear documentation for your package, including installation instructions, configuration steps, and usage guidelines. Good documentation helps users understand how to install and use your package effectively.

Optimize Performance

Ensure that your package does not negatively impact the performance of the Umbraco site. Optimize code and resources to minimize load times and resource usage.

Provide Support

Offer support and updates for your package to address any issues and incorporate user feedback. Engage with the Umbraco community to gather feedback and improve your package.

5. Advanced Topics and Considerations

Creating Package Actions and Extensions

For more advanced packages, you may need to create custom actions or extensions. This involves writing custom code to extend Umbraco’s functionality.

Example: Custom Package Actions

You can define custom actions in your package to perform specific tasks during installation or uninstallation. These actions can include creating or modifying database records, setting up configurations, or initializing data.

Leveraging Umbraco’s API

Umbraco provides a rich API for interacting with the CMS programmatically. Use the API to build more complex functionality and integrate with other systems.

Example: Using the Umbraco API

You can use the Umbraco API to manage content, create custom services, and interact with the Umbraco back office. Refer to the Umbraco API documentation for details on available methods and classes.

Integrating with External Systems

For packages that require integration with external systems or services, such as third-party APIs or databases, ensure that you handle authentication, data exchange, and error handling effectively.

Example: API Integration

When integrating with an external API, consider using .NET libraries or SDKs to simplify the process. Ensure that your package handles API responses and errors gracefully.

6. Resources for Learning and Support

Umbraco Documentation

The official Umbraco documentation is a valuable resource for learning about Umbraco’s features, API, and best practices.

Umbraco Community

Engage with the Umbraco community for support, feedback, and collaboration. Participate in forums, attend meetups, and contribute to community projects.

Online Courses and Tutorials

Explore online courses and tutorials to deepen your understanding of Umbraco and package development. Websites like Pluralsight and Udemy offer courses on Umbraco and related technologies.

GitHub and Code Repositories

Review code examples and sample packages available on GitHub and other code repositories to learn from existing implementations and best practices.

umbraco package

Umbraco's flexibility

Building custom Umbraco packages offers a powerful way to extend and enhance the functionality of the Umbraco CMS. By following the steps outlined in this guide, from setting up your development environment to creating and distributing packages, you can leverage Umbraco’s flexibility to tailor the platform to your specific needs.

Whether you’re developing simple tools or complex integrations, understanding the fundamentals of package development and adhering to best practices will help you create effective and maintainable solutions. Embrace the learning process, engage with the Umbraco community, and continue to explore advanced topics to expand your skills and contribute to the rich ecosystem of Umbraco packages.

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Umbraco packages FAQ

1. What are Umbraco packages and how do they benefit users?

Umbraco packages are pre-built components that can be easily added to your Umbraco website to extend its functionality. They offer a wide range of features, from simple content editing tools to complex integrations with other systems. By using packages, you can save time and effort on development, as well as access high-quality, well-tested features.

Some common types of Umbraco packages include:

  • Content editing tools: These packages provide additional features for content editing, such as rich text editors, media libraries, and content scheduling.
  • Form builders: Form builders allow you to create custom forms for collecting user data.
  • E-commerce packages: E-commerce packages provide the necessary tools to sell products or services online.
  • SEO packages: SEO packages can help you improve your website’s search engine ranking.
  • Integration packages: Integration packages allow you to connect Umbraco to other systems, such as CRM, ERP, and marketing automation platforms.

2. How do I find and install Umbraco packages?

Umbraco packages are available from the official Umbraco package repository and from third-party vendors. To find and install packages, follow these steps:

  1. Access the package repository: Visit the Umbraco package repository to browse available packages.
  2. Search for packages: Use the search bar to find packages that meet your specific needs.
  3. Install the package: Once you’ve found the desired package, click the “Install” button to add it to your Umbraco website.

3. What factors should I consider when choosing Umbraco packages?

When selecting Umbraco packages, consider the following factors:

  • Functionality: Ensure that the package provides the specific features you need.
  • Compatibility: Check that the package is compatible with your version of Umbraco and any other packages you are using.
  • Quality: Look for packages that are well-maintained and have positive reviews from other users.
  • Cost: Some packages are free, while others require a license fee. Consider your budget when making your decision.
  • Support: Choose packages that offer good support and documentation.

4. Can I customize Umbraco packages to meet my specific needs?

In many cases, you can customize Umbraco packages to meet your specific requirements effectively and efficiently. Some packages provide a wide range of built-in customization options, empowering you to tailor the functionality to suit your unique needs precisely. On the other hand, certain packages might necessitate custom development to achieve the level of customization desired. If you find yourself in need of extensive customization beyond what is readily available, it is advisable to explore the possibility of engaging the services of a skilled developer or consulting with the package vendor to ensure that all your customization needs are met to the highest standards.

5. How do I update Umbraco packages?

Umbraco packages are often updated to add new features, improve performance, and fix bugs. To update your packages, follow these steps:

  1. Check for updates: The Umbraco back office will notify you if there are updates available for your packages.
  2. Update the package: Click the “Update” button to install the latest version of the package.

6. Are there any risks associated with using Umbraco packages?

While Umbraco packages can be a great way to extend the functionality of your website, there are some potential risks to consider:

  • Security vulnerabilities: Some packages may contain security vulnerabilities. It’s important to keep your packages up-to-date and to follow best practices for security.
  • Compatibility issues: Packages may not be compatible with other packages or with your version of Umbraco. This can lead to errors or unexpected behavior.
  • Vendor support: If you are using a third-party package, the vendor may not provide ongoing support or updates.
  • Performance impact: Some packages can have a negative impact on your website’s performance. It’s important to choose packages that are well-optimized and designed for efficiency.
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